Coba is a compelling experience: walking among cobblestone paths and uncovering the secrets of ancient ruins is a journey into the past. A magical place
25-11-2017 02:22
La magia della cultura maya rivive a Coba. Sculture, steli, e piramidi raccontano storie millenarie che affascinano ogni visitatore
27-03-2017 06:39
Exploring Coba is a journey into the past, amidst ancient ruins and the magnificence of the Mayan civilization. A must-visit!
08-12-2016 10:55
The view from the Nohoch Mul pyramid at Coba is breathtaking. A panorama that leaves you breathless and transports you back in time
08-09-2016 09:03
The view from the Nohoch Mul pyramid at Coba is breathtaking. A panorama that leaves you breathless and transports you back in time.