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New York

      Views: 10.570

26-01-2021 10:33
Standing before Modigliani's Great Nude of Woman at MOMA NY, one is struck by the painting's raw sensuality and emotional depth, a masterpiece that continues to resonate with viewers across generations
08-06-2018 03:58
The ethereal beauty of Modigliani's transcends time and space, drawing viewers into a world of serene contemplation and artistic wonder
15-11-2017 03:44
Modigliani's Great Nude of Woman at MOMA NY captivates with its graceful lines and timeless elegance, a testament to the artist's mastery of form and expression
20-09-2016 01:27
With its elongated proportions and haunting gaze, Modigliani's invites viewers to ponder the complexities of femininity and identity in the modern age
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